What about the Tories ultimate aim of selling off the profitable parts of the NHS to their supporters in cahoots with American medical companies to line their pockets even more? The conspiracy with the right wing press to continue the denigration of the junior doctors? These trial balloon’s condemning the doctors for potential deaths don’t go anywhere.... who would want their child to slave away for 3 A grades at A levels, all that training and the horrendous house year to earn what - £16 an hour, if that when you include ‘on call hours’. The government just wastes so much of taxpayers’ money as these young doctors are leaving medicine entirely, or as you indicate - emigrating to Australia and Canada ...
What about the Tories ultimate aim of selling off the profitable parts of the NHS to their supporters in cahoots with American medical companies to line their pockets even more? The conspiracy with the right wing press to continue the denigration of the junior doctors? These trial balloon’s condemning the doctors for potential deaths don’t go anywhere.... who would want their child to slave away for 3 A grades at A levels, all that training and the horrendous house year to earn what - £16 an hour, if that when you include ‘on call hours’. The government just wastes so much of taxpayers’ money as these young doctors are leaving medicine entirely, or as you indicate - emigrating to Australia and Canada ...